Living the questions and trying to think theologically... and practically. Learning that these things are more synonymous than I once thought.

Location: Dallas, TX

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hello Again

For some reason, I haven't been in a blogging mood lately. It's been ages since I've ranted about anything, and even a few weeks since I gave you an update. So here are some of the main events from the past few weeks. They sure do span the emotional gamut.

1. We finished up Plan B in women's group. Here's a picture of the celebratory cake. How fun is that? Up next....Peace like a River. We begin next week. Thanks to Craig for the suggestion.

2. I went back to UBC a few Sundays ago for the baptism that should have happened in October. It was emotional to say the least. Jen and Kyle's dad baptized Karen. Tears, community, sadness, beauty, and joy came full circle that day. I think it was very healing for us all.

3. On August 6, I preached at Journey. It was my last official week as intern and mentee. Several folks from Waco came up for it, and that was really sweet of them. It was great to have my two worlds collide. Journey gave me an incredible gift. I told them that my three years in Waco helped me to believe in church but my past three months in Dallas with them taught me to believe in myself. Maybe I'll blog more about that later, but don't hold your breath. Like I said my blogging energies are way down these days.

4. I FINISHED SCHOOL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so weird not buying school supplies and gearing back up for a new year. It's a good feeling, but a little scary and unfamiliar.

5. This week, I have two second interviews with non-profits here in Dallas. I'm confident that something is about to work out. I'll be sure to keep you posted.


Blogger Vernon Bowen said...

Congrats on gradumawating!

Are you going to keep attending Journey, or will you be moving somewhere else in Dallas. I hope you stay, because Peace Like a River is a phenomenal book.

I got a job in Houston at River Oaks Baptist Church, and I will be moving there next week. I'm here in Waco saying a lot of good-byes. Since you're not here, this blog will have to do.

Give me a call if you're ever in Houston.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

sorry i missed your big day :( miss you like crazy!

11:57 AM  
Blogger KC said...

Just wanted to drop in and say hi. And thanks again for taking time out to help me when I now see so much other stuff was going on for you. (Karen in Houston)

9:14 AM  

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