Living the questions and trying to think theologically... and practically. Learning that these things are more synonymous than I once thought.

Location: Dallas, TX

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Things to Love in Life

Today is one of those days when you think to yourself, “Wow, life is so good.” It’s been a glorious Sabbath day full of worship in community, through personal reflection, and in relating to those I treasure. Here are a few of the reasons I love life so much today.

Today, for the first time, I thanked God for allowing me to be in Waco, TX for the next however many years. I think this is mainly because of the neighborhood of faith and friends I’m moving into at UBC. Future blogs will elaborate on this, but suffice it to say, I’ve never been so excited about becoming a part or a community of believers.

I love all the books I’ve been reading lately in which writers are so honest about their spirituality. Primarily, I’m speaking of Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz) and Lauren F. Winner (Girl Meets God). They comfort and inspire me. The comfort comes from having someone to relate in situations in which I feel spiritually alone- like I’m the only crazy person that’s dealing with certain struggles. Sometimes they’ll say something, and I will swear they’ve sneaked a peak into my innermost thoughts. Inspiration comes from the desire in my heart to be open and honest about all that really matters in life. That’s why I’ve started writing, and I must admit it has been good for the soul. I’m scared to start reading Anne LeMott whom everyone just seems to adore. I feel that if I did I would never leave the computer.

I love that I can call my grandmother who will be 87 next week and laugh with her like we are silly schoolgirls. She waits in great anticipation for my visits, and she shows me how incredibly loved I am.

One of my new loves is folk music. It tells so many honest stories about life and love. It’s got heart, and the power to touch something on the inside. You don’t hear many songs like that on the radio these days.

My friends and I are returning from our summers with new perspectives and a greater desire to be real with one another. We are enjoying each other without the stresses of school.

God is teaching me to love myself, and it’s a lesson I’ve needed to learn for a long time now.

I see myself growing into adulthood, and apart from some financial struggles, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.

This fall I get to take Scriptures III which will be an in-depth study of the gospels. Along side of this, I’ll be learning Greek. I’m excited about looking into the story of Christ from different perspectives, and learning the vivid language of the text.

I love cooking for my peeps and making and deepening friendships over good food.

I think I might actually like the person I’m becoming- more introspective, quicker to listen, slower to speak, more mindful of others and less absorbed in self.

These are things to rejoice over everyday, but today I’m more mindful of them. Today, I see life from the sunny side, and not the sucky one. Today, I’m listening to Jesus and not the voices of guilt or self hatred.


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