Living the questions and trying to think theologically... and practically. Learning that these things are more synonymous than I once thought.

Location: Dallas, TX

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Much Love for Murphy, NC!

They call this area the blue ridge, and it's easy to see why. The tree covered mountains that surround this town glow with a hue of deep blue. The little town of Murphy lies in a valley, and so there is no cell phone service for Janalee. I really wish I could talk to you guys, but the chances of that actually happening at camp are slim to begin with.
Back to Murphy- I cannot tell you how beautiful I think it is. The mountain air is cool and fresh. Yesterday, we went white water rafting on the Nanahayla (that's not how you spell it, but that's how it sounds) river. The rapids weren't that rough and so it was slightly adventurous yet relaxing. It was nice to float down a river in the fog and just enjoy nature, even though the water that campers would splash on me with their paddles was 43 degrees. I did not completely warm up until I got in the bed.

In spite of my exhaustion, which seems overwhelming right now, I am loving this week of camp. There are a lot of good old country kids here, and we are able to relate really well. The adults are great, and they are so encouraging. Bible study has been lots of fun, and it even seems like people are enjoying it. On Monday we will begin our journey to NYC. I'm looking forward to a little R & R between now and then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janalee . . . this is the Bainer :) I just want you to know that here on this beautiful July 2nd, I decided to sit down and see what this whole blogging thing was about, and guess what happened? You've got me hooked. I started with the very first one in May and I have just read every single one of your posts! I love it! There are so many things I could respond to, that I don't know if I can remember them all. First - I love your title and, if I saw a book titled that -- I think I would buy it, just because of the title. Reading some of these entries, I think you could be a writer -- my favorite quote of yours -- "Buddies from previous lives are like security blankets in new surroundings." That is absolutely beautiful. Anyway, reading these thoughts of yours has been absolutely enlightening. I feel like I know you 10 times better. I really don't know how to tell you what I'm thinking, I'm beginning to realize that I'm not a very articulate person (something I would like to get better at), but I just want you to know that I'm sorry if there have been times this past year where I just didn't understand where you were coming from. After reading these blogs, I feel like I understand more. For instance, when you went to sit on David Crowder's porch that night in Waco for Bible Study, I don't think I really understood how important that was to you. I'm sorry if I didn't connect with you about that. I'm sorry if I didn't listen like I should have. Anyway, I just want you to know that I still feel blessed to have you as my roommate, I learn from you, and you are important to me. I miss you, I definitely want to see the opossum pictures!!!, and I can't wait till a new blog appears on this page, cause I'll be reading it. Talk to you soon

10:31 PM  
Blogger Janalee said...

Kelly Bain, you make me want to cry. I'm glad this page has helped someone to understand me more. That sounds like a very conceited thing to say, but in various forms of communication, we are so often misunderstood. These misunderstandings can keep us from connecting on those deeper levels. You know what Ruth Ann says, "Being misunderstood is one of the loneliest places you can be. Real loneliness is when nobody gets you." I only have a few rules for this page: 1)don't lie to make yourself seem like a better person (don't you think we do this a lot without even noticing what we are doing?) 2) don't be so transparent that you hurt other people. With those ambiguious limitations, I feel like I can really be who I am. I wish more of our friends would start this. I really want to understand people more, and I think this is a brillant manner of doing that.

12:59 PM  

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