Living the questions and trying to think theologically... and practically. Learning that these things are more synonymous than I once thought.

Location: Dallas, TX

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Thoughts from the Edge of Dreamland

So I am making myself write this even though I'm terribly sleepy and I'm getting up at 6:30 to go to Greek breakfast in the morning. I really don't have much to say, but for some strange reason, I feel I must write. So I'll just let you in on all my random thoughts.

  • I really like this guy. I think there could be something great between us, but it seems he doesn't care to get to know me. So what's new?
  • The other day one of my new friends said, "There are a lot of girls at Truett who I think are really cool, but I won't ask any of them out because I don't want to have sex with them." I had two reactions to this: 1. Thank God for an honest guy. 2. So it really is all about sex for a lot of guys. The guys who I have loved and given my heart to, enjoy being around me, but there's never been anything else because they don't want to have sex with me. Great.
  • Wonder if new boy thinks I'm remotely attractive. In reality, he's probably not as physically attractive as boys from the past, but I really love so many things about him, I find him extremely attractive. Now, if we could only have a real conversation.
  • I've become a tea drinker. On Atkins, decaf tea is one of the only things I can drink. I've got two sampler boxes with all kinds of tea. It's so much fun to pick which one I want to try.
  • A really heavy conversation in worship class today. We talked about two groups that exist within Christianity in America. Too tired to relive that conversation now, but somebody remind me to tell you later. Really good stuff from Terry York.
  • Sunday I'll be 25. On the downhill slope to 30. Ugh! It just sounds gross.
  • Elizabeth Patten, one of my bff's from college got engaged. I was very happy for her. Her fiance Aaron is a little older. He's probably close to 32. Others have had their doubts, but I believed in them all along. Good for you Liz! Way to snag an older man!
  • Must sleep. So much to do tomorrow. If you're my friend and you're reading this, know that I love you and that you make my life rich.


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