Living the questions and trying to think theologically... and practically. Learning that these things are more synonymous than I once thought.

Location: Dallas, TX

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A Girl's New Best Friend

Tonight, I had a pretty amazing experience. For the first time, I watched Sex in the City. When if first aired on HBO I thought that the title alone would probably make it the most irrevant and immoral show ever. Well, it maybe, but I guess the fact I like it now proves I have changed a little. It must be said, for all of you who are slightly disappointed in me at the moment, that I don't even like it because of the sex part. Out of all the shows I've ever seen, this one seems to really portray the very real, very girly side of women. I feel like I really have this ongoing commentary in my head just like Carrie. Seeing that show tonight did prove to me one thing, and that is that I am not as weird as I sometimes think I am. I've felt really weird and almost like a desparate girl reading these last few post which are all about me. Well, I am a little weird. I'll give you that, but mostly I am just a girl who's not afraid to speak from my heart's imagination. I think we girls all want to do that. I just don't have the filters the rest of you do. It's a blessing and a curse. Needless, to say I'm always up for some good girly blog banter, so click that little comment button and let's be girly together.


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