Living the questions and trying to think theologically... and practically. Learning that these things are more synonymous than I once thought.

Location: Dallas, TX

Saturday, July 16, 2005


So much has happened in the past week. I've wanted to scratch my head, pull my hair out, cry like a baby, hit something, rejoice, and yell at the top of my lungs over the course of the last seven days, and I think I've done just about all those things. I haven't got time to blog very much because of the enormous amount of reading I have to do for next week. Literally, I could pick from so many experiences of the past week and write pages on them all, but life simply won't allow that right now. I'm sure I'll get around to it one day, but in the mean time, I'll leave you with something from Schlieriermacher's Christmas Eve. If you've never read it, it's a pretty short fictional story in which the characters dialogue about theology. Very Brian McLaren-esque or should I say that he is very Schlieriermacher-esque.

I look upon all things with a gladsome eye, even what has most deeply
wounded me. As Christ had no bride but the world, no children but his
friends, no household but the temple and the world, and yet his heart was full
of heavenly love and joy, so I too seem to be born to endeavor after such a

And so I have roamed about the whole evening, everywhere taking part most
heartily in every little happening and amusement I have come across. I have
laughed, and I have loved it all. It was one long affectionate kiss which I have
given the world, and now my enjoyment with you shall be the last impress of my
lips. For you know that you are the dearest of all to me.

Maybe this has been so closely felt in the light of the three weddings of friends that I will soon be a part of. God grant me such an attitude about where I am now. And thanks for friends who are there even when life is a mess and you feel so torn.


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